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Black Cat

BlackCat CIDEB

The Black Cat Cideb, present since the 1970s in the Italian and international educational publishing market, offers a vast catalogue of texts in English, French, Spanish, German and Italian for speakers of Italian as a second language, from graded readers of the texts adopted in secondary schools to preparation materials for examinations that lead to certification in culture and grammar.

Apart from paper books, Black Cat Cideb offers a wide range of digital titles for the eReaders App (for Apple and Android), audio CDs, CD-Roms and DVDs, as well as resources for the interactive whiteboard adapted for every type of teaching and learning need.

In addition, for many titles learners can do interactive online WebActivities to practise grammar, vocabulary, written and oral comprehension, or digital versions with illustrations, audio and interactive activities that are available for both iOS and Android.

Black Cat Graded Readers offer a range of original stories and adapted classics aimed to facilitate the study of foreign languages through literature. Graded Readers, in both print and digital editions, are available in 5 languages and a variety of series covers all the language levels. The series, while aimed at a variety of ages, levels and topics, have some features in common:

- Level grading based on International standards and Certifications; - a wealth of beautiful illustrations;
- Intercultural dossiers;
- Activities to help better understand the text (before, while and after reading);
- Full audio recording;
- Exit tests;
- Activities in the Cambridge ESOL and Trinity style

» Please click the link below for the latest digital catalog of the publisher.

Contact our team [email protected] to find out how Black Cat Cideb materials can meet your educational needs.